Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sinusitis Sucks

I'm so over being sick. I was diagnosed with chronic sinusitis related to a severely deviated septum when I was a freshman in college. This was after spending three months going to the Student Health Center, and the doctors there recommending cough syrup. Since then, I've had a few doctors mention that surgery is the only long-term solution. Yeah, I'll pass since I'm saving up for a combined rhinoplasty. For now, I am periodically sidelined with sinusitis. You know you have sinusitis because it's like a cold, but painful. Your face just hurts. I've been in this state for a week now, and it's not fun.

I've basically quarantined myself this week with the occassional field trip. My field trip last night was to the on-call room to watch the Bears game/VMA awards with J and one of his fellow residents. If you didn't see either, I'm sure you heard about what happened. My thoughts:

- I think there will be more tears on poor Taylor's guitar. I bet some tears will also be over that bedazzled dress bag she wore. Thankfully she changed before her second appearance on stage.
- What was Amber Rose wearing? And at least support the girls more if you are going to wear that. They looked sad.
- I wish Jay-Z had called security on Lil' Mama.
- Is it too late for all the Northsiders to return their Cutler jerseys?

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